Saturday, 12 September 2020

my interview question bank

1) explain below two statements.

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver() ;

WebDriver driver = new  ChromeDriver() ; -- > 

2) int num1 = 10; int num2=5;

System.out.println("before"+num1+num2+"after")  --> what will be the output

3) when an interface inherits a interface which keyword is used ?

4) array of string elements stores null by default 

   array of integer  elements stores zero by default 

5) how multiple interhance can be achieved  ---> by using inheritance 

6) what is the return type of constructor --> nothing, not even void

7) what is the top most class in Java --> object class 

8) OOPS concepts used in your framework 

9)  difference between  == and .equals()

10) how to use edge web driver 

11) how to automatically send test results by email - JavaMail  maven dependency

12 ) explain web driver architecture in selenium4.

13) findelement ("abcd" )-- > what is By here 

14) how to do explicit wait 

15) how an interface can inherit another interface  --> using extends keyword 

16) when you use collections in your project

17) difference between below two statements. 

Map hm = new HashMap();

HashMap hm = new HashMap();

18) what are upcasting and downcasting.

19) How many cursors in Java --> Iterator , ListIterator , Enumeration


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