Monday, 23 December 2024

Selenium Lesson Learnt

 1. Learn the existing framework and make guide on howto use it . Eg. Which BDD step to use to find a keyword in table and select checkbox 

2. Out of all the available test case, identify eligible test case for automation by executing each test case 2 times manually with sam test data

3. Pick the small and feasible test case for automation  first so that we can get an idea of end to end automation and show the count also to the client. 

4. Execute the failed test sripts one more time so that  they can get pass if they are failed due to env down issue. 

5. Do the mapping of test cases and test scripts properly 

6. Add test script name in the scenario outline. 

7. Add  <TestID> in example and in scenario outline . 

8. create a record of every day team efforts including activity done every hour per person. No of scripts created, executed and refactored , meetings because manager can ask any data any time from you. 

Date       Name        Activity (quantified )      Hours spent 

1/12/24 Ravinder   script created  2                7 hrs

1/12/24 Ravinder   Meetings        3                1.5 hrs

9. Keep the scenario outline length not very long . it causes issue in copying files of results due to long name . 

10. working directory should not be very long path. To avoid file copy paste issue due to long file name. 

11. Regular execution fo scripts should happen to ensure scripts are working fine and to find what kind of test data is needed. 

12. only eligible /feasible for automation test cases should be picked for automation. 

13. Implement the ode to generate one test script to generate one test result so that the test results ( individual)  can be added to each test case in jira. 

14. Autoation team should have the domain and functional knowledge before or during automation.

15. Failed test script should not generate green test results. 

16. Merge the code to master frequently . 

17. To run multiple test scripts in one go open and add tag below

tags = "EST-123" OR "EST-456" OR "EST-789", 

18. To generate glue code , write only the steps and run the test . Error will provide the glue code also. 

19. Error  --> Invalid column index(-1) allowable column range for BIFF8 is (0.255) or ( 'A' , 'IV')

Solution : 

a) Check if columns are more than 255

b) Create a new excel file 

c) open excel file inside eclipse and update here 

d) Error occurs when column does not exists 

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